Complaints Policy


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We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.

However, we are aware that things can occasionally go wrong, resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly and amicably, as possible.

Step 1: Arrange to speak with the Practice Manager

This is the best way to resolve issues and we encourange you to book an appointment to meet with the Practice Manager

Step 2: Make a formal complaint

There are three ways to make a formal complaint after you have spoken in confidence with the Practice Manager

  1. Inform the Practice Manager as part of Step 1
  2. Complete a practice complaint form after completing Step 1
  3. Write to the Practice Manager after completing Step 1


We are continually striving to improve our service.

Any helpful suggestions would be much appreciated and a suggestion box is located in the waiting area. You can also contact us using our online form.

Complain to the commissioner of the service

You can complain to the commissioner of the service: this is the organisation that paid for the service or care you received.

If a member of the public would want to make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner, they will now need to contact NHS North West London instead of NHS England.

How to contact NHS North West London Integrated Care System